Team PEI Canada Games Coach Development Program
Team PEI Canada Games Coach Development Program

The Government of Prince Edward Island recognizes that coaching is one of the key pillars to a successfully developed sport system. There is also a recognition that coaching at the Canada Games requires considerable investment for coaches.
To address these recognitions, the Province of PEI has established a Team PEI Canada Games Coach Development Program. The program will provide funding for individuals through their Provincial Sport Organization to support Competition Development Certification and Enhanced coach training opportunities for coaches in the Canada Games.
I. Coach Certification Funding
a. Up to a maximum of $1000 per coach per fiscal year (April 1 - March 31) will be available to cover course registration fees (workshop training) or for the completion of certification process (portfolio + evaluation) and travel to these events if required.
b. Coach Certification funds are available for NCCP Training in the Competition Development Pathway, unless it can be demonstrated the course work is necessary as part of the coach requirements as set out in the sport’s Canada Games Technical Package.
II. Professional Development Grant
Up to a maximum of $750 per coach per fiscal year to support professional development opportunities will be available. The Professional Development funding is restricted for coaches that have completed their Competition Development Certification or coach requirements as set out in the sport’s Canada Games technical Package.
For questions or additional information, please feel free to contact:
Lynn Boudreau
John Morrison
(902) 894-0283
Funding for this Program is provided by the Province of Prince Edward Island, PEI Department of Fisheries, Tourism, Sport and Culture, Division of Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity.
Applications are now being excepted and will be reviewed in the first week of each month.