Creating a culture where everyone can thrive is a shared responsibility. Safe Sport Training was developed to help anyone involved in sport — whether you have direct contact with athletes or work in the background — to promote physical, psychological, and social health, in line with the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport.
Since the launch of the Safe Sport initiative, Canadian sport organizations have excelled in delivering on their promise to create a safe and welcoming environment. SIRC highlights some of the best Safe Sport policies and practices adopted across the country.
What will I learn?
Understand that everyone has a role to play in keeping sport safe, how the misuse of power leads to maltreatment, and the principles of the Universal Code of Conduct.
Learn about the various types of maltreatment, the conditions that enable them, and how to recognize signs that they may be happening.
Find out what to do if you suspect maltreatment, and how you can create a culture that protects all participants. To take the training, visit: Safe Sport Training
Virtual or Online
The Coaching Association of Canada has prepared additional information to support sport organizations, coaches, parents/guardians and participants with implementing the Rule of Two for training in a virtual/online environment.


Located in Charlottetown, C5 ID and Fingerprinting Solutions Inc. is accredited by Canadian Police Services to offer Criminal Background Checks in Canada. Our many years of experience in this field will ensure that you receive the precise services you require in order to obtain your Criminal Record Check, whether by fingerprints or just a name and date of birth check on the RCMP maintained, National Repository for Criminal Records in Canada.
393 University Ave - Unit # 11
(Located in the Kirkwood Mews)
Charlottetown, PEI
Phone: 902-892-1211
Fax: 902-892-1216
Canadian Sport Helpline
The Canadian Sport Helpline, funded by the Government of Canada, is a listening and referral service monitored by live operators from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern time, 7 days a week. Users will have a choice of communicating via a toll-free phone line, email, text or live chat, in the official language of their choice.
Phone / Text Message: