True Sport
True Sport is a series of programs and initiatives designed to give people, communities and organizations the means by which to leverage the many benefits of sport from a platform of shared values and principles. Through public consultation, Canadians have told us that they want their sport experience to be based on the values of fairness, excellence, inclusion and fun.
Want to learn more? Contact our True Sport Lead Mitch Sanderson or click here to find our Rooted in Values and Event applications.
We are excited to introduce the Rooted in Values - Do It Yourself option for coaches who want to engage in the program through their own voice, or who are unable to schedule extra team workshops.
True Sport Principles
Rise to the challenge – always strive for excellence. Be persistent and discover how good you can be.
Understand, respect, and follow the rules. Play with integrity – competition is only meaningful when it is fair.
Rise to the challenge – always strive for excellence. Be persistent and discover how good you can be.
Find the joy in sport and share it with others. Remember what you love about sport and why you play.
Always respect and care for your mind and body. Advocate for the health and safety of yourself and those around you.
Recognize and celebrate strength in diversity. Invite and welcome others into sport.
Say thanks and show gratitude. Encourage your sport group to make a difference in the community.
Rooted in Values

Sport PEI is excited to offer Rooted in Values, a program in partnership with the province of Prince Edward Island and True Sport. The program is for teams or groups of athletes and coaches who train together to promote value-based sports through education about True Sport and to plan activation within their seasons.

The “Rooted in Values” name refers to the importance of setting your values/roots intentionally to grow your team or sport to be strong and healthy. The oak tree is not only an iconic symbol of Prince Edward Island but also an ideal metaphor for value-based sport. The Northern Red Oak, also known as the Champion Oak, is a fast-growing, long-living tree with strong roots that continue to expand as the tree grows and a stout trunk that can support a canopy 20 times its size.
Teams can now apply to join the “Rooted in Values” program by filling out the application below!

True Sport Website:
Become a True Sport member:
True Sport Principles:
Get Involved:
Host a True Sport event :
Share your True Sport story :
Display True Sport :
Host a TS Activation Workshop :
Present True Sport Awards:
Coach Selection Process:
Player Selection Process:
Guidelines for Communities:
Principles in action Infographics:
True Sport Lives Here - Member Infographics:
True Sport LTD Framework:
Facebook: TrueSportpur
Instagram: @truesportpur
Twitter: @truesportpur