Value Added Programs

Member Benefits

Amateur Sport Fund Administrative Services Insurance Value Added Programs Amateur Sport Fund

The PEI Amateur Sport Fund (Sport Fund) is a recognized Sport PEI program that is licensed through Sport PEI for charitable status as a provincial chapter of the Canadian Council of Provincial/Territorial Sport Federations’ National Sport Trust Fund.

The Sport Fund has been established to assist and promote the development of athlete-centered, amateur sport in Prince Edward Island by enabling sport organizations to raise funds and permit eligible donors to receive official tax receipts for their contributions. It offers anyone the opportunity to make a donation to: amateur sport in general; to one of the Sport Fund’s allocation categories; or to the sport of their choice.

To make a donation to any Amateur Sport Fund Projects, please complete one of the following donation forms.

By Cheque

Online (credit card)

PSO Application Process

  • 1 A Project Application Form must be submitted for approval to the PEIASF Fund Manager – contact
  • 2 All applications originating at the local club level will be verified by the Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) to confirm the bona fide nature of the club, review the fundraising goal and the proposed use of the proceeds.
  • 3 The National Sport Trust Fund B Provincial/Territorial Adjudication Committee will review applications and will verify the bona fide nature of the venture and the proposed usage of the proceeds. Approved applications will be assigned a project number.
  • 4 The PEIASF Fund Manager will provide notification back to the applicant.


Solicitation of funds must not occur until approval of the project has been received.

The donor must submit the Donor Contribution Letter, along with funds, to the PEIASF.

Current Amateur Sport Fund projects

Transfer of Funds

Funds will be disbursed to the fundraising group within one (1) month after receipt of donation.

The Grant Request Form and Project Report Form must be submitted prior to any funds being transferred.

Database Management & Issuance of Tax Receipts

On behalf of the NSTF, the Provincial Fund Manager will enter the donor information into the PEIASF database.

A tax receipt will be issued and mailed to the donor. Should the applicant wish to include a thank-you letter, it should be given to the PEIASF Fund Manager beforehand for inclusion with the income tax receipt.

Important Consideration

Unconditional Donation

“Direct or Indirect Benefit” – no connection between the provider of the donation and its beneficiary whatsoever.

Donations must be voluntary and UNCONDITIONAL. If a donor donates on condition that the money goes to a certain person he/she designated, this is a CONDITIONAL donation whether the person is their child, a minor, an adult, a relative or a friend. A donation must be rejected if there is reasonable ground to believe that it’s not voluntary and unconditional

Although the donor may suggest that the donation go to a specific sport organization, the PEIASF is not obligated to follow the suggestion of the donor. Therefore, in disbursing funds, the PEIASF will consider, but will not be bound by, the requests made by donors.

The PEIASF will not issue an official receipt for income tax purposes if the donor has directed the PEIASF to give the funds to a specific person or family.

The PEIASF may issue an official receipt for income tax purposes if the donor has suggested that the donation be used by a Sport PEI recognized program/organization provided that:

No direct or indirect benefit accrues to the donor

No direct or indirect benefit accrues to any person related to the donor (see below for a definition of related persons)

The donation is unconditional and does not obligate the PEIASF to follow the suggestion

Definition of Related Persons: the donor must not be related to any potential benefactor of the donation if he/she is to be eligible for a charitable tax receipt.


Individuals are considered related if they are connected by blood, marriage or adoption. A donation is considered non-arm’s-length if the donor falls into any of the categories Canada Revenue Agency defines as related parties:




Children born within a marriage

Children that have been adopted

Children that are wholly dependent on him/her




Generally, and simply, an individual is related to a corporation if the corporation is controlled by an individual related to him/herself.  Control is most commonly defined by having a majority (over 50%) of the voting shares of the corporation.

Administrative Services

Sport PEI is pleased to offer a variety of administrative services to our members.
Meeting Facilities

Contact For more information Royalty Centre

Reproduction Services

Print shop assistance in preparatory work:

Consultation and assistance in preparation of material for reproduction

Assistance in assembly of material in appropriate format for reproduction

Advice in securing outside graphic, typesetting and printing services


Print, copy, scan and fax

Maximum output of 11×17

Full Colour

Booklet making capacity

3 hole punching


Administrative Services





Mail & Courier Services

Incoming mail is delivered via Canada Post and government courier.
Outgoing mail is picked up daily in the morning by government courier.

Financial Services

Highly qualified staff to support the following areas:




AV Equipment

Also available to our members to book are:

Overhead projector

LCD projector

Flip chart (must provide own paper)


Policy templates are accessible through the member login.


Sport Insurance

Since 1990 it has been mandatory that all members of Sport PEI have insurance coverage. Thus, Sport PEI offers its member organizations a comprehensive and affordable accident and liability insurance package.

Members wishing to opt into this insurance policy may do so by contacting the office. In some cases, an application for insurance may be required. The insurance policy is in effect from May 1 of a year to April 30 of the following year.

Each member organization designates who will be insured under their portion of the policy, i.e. athletes, coaches, officials, volunteers, and under what circumstances they will be covered.

The insurance premium is based on the number of individuals insured and may vary from sport to sport depending on the claims history of the organization and associated risks.

Sport PEI Liability & Accident Insurance Program

Policy Holder: Sport PEI Inc.
Insurance Broker: BFL Canada Risk and Insurance Inc.
Agent: Terry McRae
Insurance Company: Markel Canada Limited under an authority from Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s Insurance Coverage:
Commercial General Liability Insurance
Directors & Officers Liability Insurance
Accident Insurance BFL Accident Claim Form – English BFL Accident Claim Form – French

Procedure for Processing Claims

The claim form must be completed and sent by the claimant to Sport PEI within 30 DAYS of the accident. This form must be signed by the Provincial representative of your organization. All claim forms that are not appropriately authorized will be rejected.

To be reimbursed for medical costs, the accident claim form along with original receipts must be submitted to BFL Canada. All forms must be submitted to Sport PEI via email or fax or dropped off at the main office.
40 Enman Crescent, Charlottetown, PEI C1E 1E6
Fax: 1-902-368-4548
Toll Free Fax: 1-800-235-5687 Value Added Programs

Programs Supporting PEI’s Sport Community

Sport PEI is proud to partner with the following companies to support PEI’s sport community in hosting events, event promotion, sport travel accommodations, and fundraisers. Additionally, Sport PEI recognizes the importance in partnering with organizations who aid in fitness and mental health.

Please contact to inquire about Spot PEI value added programs.

Contact adl

ADL has the best products in the country.  Who wouldn’t want to access their gift packs for a fundraiser!


We are pleased to have partnered with the CSTA to provide complimentary CSTA memberships to all of PEI’s PSOs and sport delivery partners.


Do you need to rent a vehicle for traveling to competitions? Are you hosting an event? Contact Avis for your rental needs.


Are you looking to up the fitness of your athletes? Then check out what Synergy Fitness and Nutrition has to offer.


As a nationally recognized award-winning sport event hosting destination, SCORE is here to assist you bid for, promote and host your event in Charlottetown.


Fundraising Opportunities


Fundraise with ADL! Group members sell a variety of products from a list of ADL-manufactured cheeses. You can feel good knowing that you’re supporting local jobs and locally sourced, quality food.