Darby Myers – National Coaches Week

We are so excited to celebrate National Coaches Week! We have received so many coaching nominations and can’t wait to share them with you. Follow along to see why these coaches are so great!
Darby Myers – PEI FC U17
What is an important skill that this coach has that makes them a great coach?
Encourages me to come out of my comfort zone and believes in everyone.
What lesson(s) has this coach instilled in you/athletes/or others?
She helps us believe in ourselves.
Pick 3 words that describes this coach. Explain why you chose each word.
Kind: she has the biggest heart and treats us all with so much kindness. Dedicated: She spends 4 days of week plus out one day out of province for us. She always makes sure that we have feedback, and she takes time to making things for us to understand. (Visual). Welcoming: always makes everyone feel so welcome.
Write a memory or story about this coach, that impressed you.
I’m not one to get upset but one game I started crying on the bench. Darby came to me and told me she believed in me. She made me feel enough even when I was having a bad game. She never tears down her players but lifts them up.
Thank you for all that you do! Make sure to say ‘Thanks Coach’ to a special coach in your life!