AHP Bio – Taliena Howden

Taliena Howden graduated with honours from Canadian College of Massage & Hydrotherapy with a focus on sports and chronic pain conditions. She is a member in good standing with both the College of Massage Therapists of PEI and Natural Health Practitioners of Canada. Currently, Taliena serves as the Atlantic Regional Representative for Canadian Sport Massage Therapy Association where she is accruing hours towards her Sports Fellowship designation and holds the title of Sports Candidate Member. Taliena is the owner/ operator of Dragonfly PEI Massage & Wellness in Montague, PEI.
Her background as a certified yoga instructor and Thai Massage bodyworker/ instructor allows her to be especially adept at addressing muscular imbalances, overuse injuries, and fascial restrictions.
Taliena has experience as Host Medical for Canada Games, RMT and First Responder for Indigenous Games alongside direct work with a variety of athletes in softball, hockey, MMA, dance, and swim. She is a NCCP certified coach and volunteers with Special Olympics. Taliena works to elevate and grow sport massage within PEI and Atlantic Canada.